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  • Telemedicine involves the use of electronic communications to enable healthcare Providers at different locations to share individual patient medical information for the purposes of improving patient care.

  • Providers include primary care practitioners, specialists and subspecialists.

    • The information may be used for diagnosis, therapy, follow-up and/or education, and may include patient medical records, medical images, live two-way audio and video and output data from medical devices and sound and video files. 

  • Electronic systems used will incorporate network and software security protocols to protect the confidentiality of patient identification and imaging data against intentional or unintentional corruption. 

  • Responsibility for patient care should remain with the patient's local clinician, if you have one, as does the patient's medical record. 

  • Expected Benefits include improved access to medical care by enabling a patient to remain in his/her local healthcare site (home) while the provider consults, more efficient medical evaluation and management, and obtaining expertise of a specialist. 

  • As with any medical procedure, there are potential risks associated with the use of telemedicine.

    • These risks include but are not limited to:

      • Necessitating a face-to-face meeting with a patient or at least a rescheduled video consult if it is determined that the transmitted information is of inadequate quality.

      • Delays in medical evaluation and treatment due to deficiencies or failures of the equipment

      • Failure in security protocols resulting in a breach of privacy of personal medical information

      • In rare cases, adverse drug interactions or allergic reactions or other judgement errors as a result of a lack of access to complete medical records.


 HIPAA Compliance Statement:

iCare Telecare, PLLC is fully compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Standards for Privacy, Electronic Transactions and Security. iCare Telecare monitors all aspects of our organizational operation to ensure on-going compliance efforts. We maintain various reporting mechanisms that are required by law and recognize that our ongoing compliance depends on a partnership with our customers. We hold the privacy of patient information at the highest level of our organization's priorities and meet or exceed state and federal regulations. Our digital platforms to include Electronic Medical/Health Records (EMR/EHR), email, accounting, data storage, and teleconferencing all meet or exceed the Privacy by Design and Privacy by Default standards required by HIPAA. iCare Telecare has implemented the necessary controls to ensure HIPAA compliance including administrative, physical, and technical controls. 

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